Thursday, April 27, 2006


Announcments from "Mitakuye Oyasin" 4-27-06


**The Native American Rehabilitation Association issponsoring a Children's Mental Heath Celebration. The event takes place next Wednesday, May 3rd from6:30-8:00 PM at St. Andrews Community Center at 806 NEAlberta St. in Portland. For more information,contact Shawn Jackson @ 503-224-1044

**The Native Community Employment Services Program ishosting an Orientation on May 8th. Drop by the NAYAFamily Center from 10:00 AM–12:00 Noon OR from6:30-8:30 PM to learn about Job Readiness Workshops,Employment Support, GED Assistance and ContinuedEducation. There will also be a Job Hunting Workshopon May 10th from 4:00–6:00PM.For more information, call NAYA at: (503) 288-8177The NAYA Family Center is located at 4000 N.Mississippi Ave. (at the corner of Shaver St.) inPortland.

**NAYA offers Foster Parent support meetings the thirdWednesday of each month. This is a dinner anddiscussion group for anyone raising non-biologicalchildren (for example foster parents, adoptiveparents, or relatives providing care to relatives). The next meeting is Wednesday, May 17th from 6:30-8:00PM at the NAYA Family Center

**NAYA is also offering a Positive Indian Parentingprogram. Parents will explore the values andattitudes expressed in traditional Indianchild-rearing practices and apply them to modernparenting. Classes take place Wednesday nights from 6:00-8:00 PM,through the end of May. Please call Nora Farwell at503-288-8177. These classes are also held at the NAYAFamily Center.

**Mexica Tiahui (“Meh-shee-ka Tee-ow-ee”) aPortland-based Aztec cultural and educational group isholding a Flor Y Canto Fundraiser to support theirwork in bringing the community together throughIndigenous traditions.The event takes place Saturday, May 27th (Memorial DayWeekend) from 10:30 PM – 1:00 AM. They’ve rented thePortland Spirit and the upstairs deck will haveCaribbean favorites. Downstairs will be regionalLatino Hip Hop, Mexica, Cumbia, and Nortenas. This is a non-alcoholic event for ages 18 and over. Tickets are $15 in advance, $20 at the door.For tickets and information, contact Willan at:503-779-5699 or

**The Portland State University Native AmericanStudent and Community Center is looking for avolunteer Wed Designer to train the staff to managetheir website. Please contact Sara Vandehey(“Van-da-HIGH”) at 503-725-9697 or sav@pdx.eduThe center is located in downtown Portland at 710 SWJackson Ave.


April 28th—Beaverton High School Native American ClubPowwow7:00—11:00 PM at Beaverton High School, 13000 SW 2ndStreet in Beaverton. For more information call, 503-614-1490

April 29th—South Umpqua 27th Annual Powwow. At South Umpqua High School, 501 NE Chadwick Lane,Myrtle Creek OR. Grand Entry for Children 2:00pm. Dinner 4:30 pm. GrandEntry 6:00 pm. For more information, contact James Marshall at541-672-0314

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