Saturday, March 25, 2006


Last Chance Agreement

Here are the articles of my Last Chance Agreement signed with my soon to be former work place. There are 10 little pieces of bullshit that make up the meat of this agreement. This might take a couple of posts over several days.

In the preamble it states, "For the purpos of granting Eugene D. Johnson every opportunity to demonstrate his ability to be a successful employee..." I guess driving the fuck out of the truck and doing a damned good job in being not only a grunt, but an ambassador for the charity in which I work for is just not enough.

It also states in the preamble that this agreement is "necessary because [of] Eugene's abuse of marijuana..." You cannot abuse marijuana. How can something that is healthy and has never killed anyone in its centuries of use be abused?

"1. An anonymous informant reported, on 13 March 2006, that Eugene was using marijuana and comint go wrok under the influenece of marijuana."

I do not know who said this. I do not get to face my accuser. So, anyone can send a letter to anyone's employer stating they use an illegal substance and therefore can lose their job, whether or not they actually have (in my case, I actually do smoke pot). Here, testing one's urine cannot tell the exact time in which I was high, however, it is simply accepted as fact that I was high on the job. Absolutely no proof is necessary other than the fact that the urine test lets them know that sometime in the last 21 days I smoked pot. If I drank and woke up on the streets in a puddle of puke and barely able to move, that would be perfectly acceptable because doing that is legal.

"2. staff members have observed mood swings in Eugene that do not seem normal."

No one has ever asked me why I have had these mood swings, which indeed, I have. No one. Here, I will tell you why. I have worked with two different men that I could not, after a few months, stand to be around. The first would sleep on the truck and not get out often times until I was done doing the work myself or absolutely needed his help. The second is pretty much the same way. "Knock on the side of the truck when you need my help. I'm gonna sleep for awhile." I have heard these words many times. Both of these men made me feel like a servant to their great and wonderful lazy white asses. So, I'm just supposed to be happy about this. I'm just supposed to smile all the time. Nobody else is ever in a good mood all of the time. It is really hard for me to be treated in such a discriminatory way (I'm the white man, you're the darkie. Darkie's are here to be servants to white men. I was am treated accordingly by one of my co-workers and when I have to work with this institutionally racist bullshit that I can't take anyone to court for, I am just supposed to be a happy little redskinned nigger.) But don't ask me why I get moody when I have to work with that fucking asshole. Just use it as evidence in the case to get my ass out of this workplace.

"3. one staff member witnessed, approximately two weeks ago, what appeared to be a drug transaction between Eugene and an unidentified individual, on [noe of compay withheld] property."

Again, one and all were too fucking good to say, "Hey, Eugene, what was that about." You see, if this is the event I believe it to be, I was writing poetry as I was warming up the truck. After being interrupted a couple of times by staff, a man came up and knocked on my truck window. "I'll be honest," he told me, his eyes were desperate. "I'm starving. I don't have anything to eat. I'm so hungry. Can you spare a few bucks so I can have something to eat?" So I gave him some money. Me, being open about pot smoking, am now alleged to be making transactions on company property. As stated, no one came up and asked what happened, they just make assumptions and then it is considered as fact. This happens in Indian country a lot as well. Again, institutionally racist, but nothing I can anyone to court on.

"4. Upon returning to work at [said company], Eugene shall be on a one-year probaation du to his impaired work performance as a result of marijuana abuse."

Exactly what impaired work perfomance is unclear, other than testing positive for marijana use. I do not abuse marijuana. I use it to help with specific PTSD I have surrounding having been raped when I was 5, being raised in an alcoholic family, living through thirteen and a half years of verbally abusive marriages, etc., as well as it just feels fucking great! It doesn't do one physical harm. So what exactly this "impaired work perfomance" is, is unclear. There again, one doesn't need proof of these particular statements other than I tested positive for marijuana in my urine.

"5. Eugene must stop using marijuana and be clean and sober at all times that he is at work or about our business, on our premises, or in our vehicles. No substance abuse in any form will be tolerated."

Alcohol doesn't stay in your body all that long. I could drink the night before and not test negative the next day. I can smoke pot, and for 21 days it will be in my system. Since I smoked within that 21 day period, that only means to my accusers that I was high at work even though as stated previously that one cannot prove what time I was high. It could have been at work, at home, or during the weekend. It is just accepted as fact that I was high on the job because legally, they can assume this.

[I do plan on addressing the rest of this, and will add the other five articles of this document with my arguments sometime during this weekend. Right now, I'm gonna go play with Felicia somewhere outside on this wonderful property.]

"6. Eugene will not be allowed to drive [the company] vehicles until he passes two random alcohol/drug screen tests with no indication of substance abuse. If Eugene is arrested for any alcohol/drug-related offense, at anytime, he shall be terminated from employment, immediately."

Abuse is the word so often thrown around often here. It is so official sounding and has an alleged sense of expertise on the subject of marijuana. The statement that I could be arrested at anytime makes me a little nervous. Is my workplace gonnna call the cops on me, further controlling my life away from the workplace smoking the flowers of a plant that doesn't harm anyone other than the punitive sense of the law which was designed by racists in order to control the population. However, I could still be arrested for say, if I was still married, beating my wife and not have to worry about getting fired. If I beat somebody up walking down the street and was arrested, my harmful physical violence would still allow me to have a job. However, if I get arrested for smoking pot, I will lose my job. Let me point out here that the police do not have to drug test. It is alleged that many Portland police use steroids which has been proven to cause violent behavior in people. Perfectly legal in a sense because cops don't have to be urine tested.

"7. By signing this agreement, Eugene authroizes the disclosure of pertinent medical/treatment records (as they relate to alcohol/drug abuse) to his Department Director and the agency Executive Director."

Now, because I use Marijuana, my work place gets to have access to limited personal information. It is extortion to make me sign this. I signed it willingly because I don't want to lose my job. This means my work place can and will have control over a part of my personal life simply because they can.

[more later]

"8. Eugene's return to active employment and his continued active employment depend on his ability to meet established standards of conduct and job performance required of other employees. Failure to meet these standards, whether related to alcohol/drug abuse or not, shall result in the disciplinary procedures outlined in the [company] personnel policies."

I am actively working in the store, I'm just not driving the truck. What does "meet established standards of conduct." Is there a document that goes with this. I have never seen anything that states what I do away from my workplace can and will be controlled by the company I work for. I guess that is part of the freedom that Americans slaughtered my people to create here. What is this "job performance" comment? No one has ever complained about my job performance. Other than mood swings that, again, no one has ever asked me about, has my job performance come into question, at least to my knowledge. Mood swings have not seemed to damage my job performance. However, there are people I work with who are probably sober, as it were, who hardly work at all.

"9. Eugene shall agree to submit to unscheduled alcohol and/or drug testing at any time. failure to take such requested test or testing positively for any intoxicant shall be cause for immediate termination of employment."

Here I will point out some Laws that were not discussed in my meeting with the head honcho and my direct boss. The Covenant on Social, Economic, and Cultural Rights, a legal document signed by the U.S. government, which also encompasses the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, states that employment is a human right. Also unemployment protection is a human right. My work place is violating my human rights. But all of this is OK because I use a substance that helps me.

"10. Eugene's continued employment at [the company] depends upon him being free of alcohol and drug abuse for the entir duration of his employment. This Last Chance oportunity is conditional on the forgoing terms and does not restruct [the company's] right to alter the employment relationship at will and for any reason."

Can you say control. My place of employment doesn't only want control of my personal life, but has control of my personal life using my employment as extortion to force me to do what they would like me to do and I am not allowed legally to question their behavior.

[closing statement] " The signatures below attest that all parties voluntarily agree to the provisions contained in this Last Chance Agreement, understanding their meaning and consequences."

First, I did not voluntarily sign this agreement. The agreement was signed because I am being extorted via my use of marijuana. My job is being held over my head. Again, a violation of my Human Rights, but here in America, no one really cares about Human Rights. Most people haven't even read the document. (I read it at least 3 times a year and the UN Charter at least once a year, as well as many other international covenants of LAW!).

During my discussion with the representatives of my employers, it was brought up repeatedly by the head honcho that Marijuana is illegal. Well, my human rights are being violated, and that is illegal. But these are not laws he will be concerned about. Other laws include Genocide. This alleged nation has and is committing genocide against indigenous peoples and many other peoples mostly of the darker persuasion all over the world. These laws will not be considered. The fact that most countries will turn their head to marijuana smokers and some absolutely refuse to submit to the master known as the U.S. government should be telling. The United States is the ONLY country that forces employment drug screenings. Only the United States. I already told you about William Randolph Hearst and Harry Anschlinger and their racist hatreds.

So, on what is legally an occupied territory (I'll get into the legalities of that if you'd like, but not here), illegally occupied by what is currently known as the United States Government, is and will violate my human rights and the human rights of millions of its citizens to control their lives, their employment, etc. This has nothing to do with our health, etc. It is all control. And then these same Americans will call this freedom.

I smoke pot for my mental health. Head Honcho told me I could use something else for my mental health. You know, like legalized pharmaceuticals that are outrageously expensive and many horribly unhealthy for your body...but hey, they are legal.

So why should we look beyond our noses? Why should we look at the greater issues? All we need to do is "submit" to the masters. That is the word that bothers me most in this document..."submit." I must submit to my white masters and live my life like they tell me to, otherwise I will be punished and my Human Rights will be violated. And then they WILL tell me this IS freedom. This is legally MY LAND! Every last bit of it. These are NOT laws that my employer will consider, even though they will hold this law over my head. They will NOT look at the whole picture because they DON'T HAVE TOO! Afterall, they are the ones with control over my life, and if I don't live like they want me too, then I will be punished.

Folks, my story is one of millions of stories and will be used as a tool to control the lives of many of us, simply because OUR MASTERS said they can and will and most of their subordinates will follow blindly...just like they are supposed to.

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