Tuesday, February 28, 2006


We Fight For Beauty

And here it is again!
Another beautiful day
as my friend the rain has come to visit
and dance with the light
and sparkle across the asphalt
as I wait for the bus.

And it is a wonderful morning
as I again cross the bridge
to be with you
and write here.

Last night
I made another friend.
A friend on the other side of the country.
And we talked
and I could feel it...
I could sense it...
The Revolution!
It is all over!
Here is a woman
on an invisible line
and we are talking about life
and I know...
I know...
We are coast to coast...


an act of rebellion against an authority
coming 360 degrees
a complete circle
We are coming in a complete circle

Empires have come and gone...
and we are still here.
It is never the end of the world...
We are still here.
The Revolution is here.
We are still here.
There is beauty all over in this world
and here We are...
You, and me, and so many others.

Revolution Now!

"We fight for beauty,"
is a Pawnee saying.
"We fight for beauty."
And the rules have all changed
and all of the rules need to change again
"We fight for beauty"
But we should not kill...
to kill is to become them
and they have more horrific ways to kill
"We fight for BEAUTY!"
and we need to be clever
and take it all back
take it all back

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