Thursday, February 16, 2006


I Believe I Was Mistaken

I thought there were a couple of women interested me, both of whom said they would be at my last reading, neither of whom were. Looks like I was completely wrong on both parts.

The one whom I've already been talking to since the reading has expressed no interest in what my reading was like, nor any interest in responding to the writing that I have passed on to her. So I believe I was completely wrong in my interpretation that there was interest on her part beyond sales to customer.

The other one, I found out, was busy at someone's apartment drinking and singing karaoke. When I saw her today, she didn't even acknowledge my presence. I was obviously completely wrong in my assessment that there was any interest on her part for me.

When I am interested in a woman, I put myself in their paths to encounter them. I give them my phone number. I call them. I let them know I feel interest toward them. These have always ended in friendships.

So, I now know, there is no one who is actually interested in getting to know me better other than my friends. I can sit well with that. In fact, I do sit well with that. In fact, that feels really good.

Although I've been told there is interest out there toward romance in my direction, all the actual evidence screams in my face the the opposite is actually true. There is no interest on the part of anyone in a romantic tone in my direction. There is power in that knowledge. I don't have to worry about anything.

Of course, I'll still get those natural urges for companionship from time to time, but I am now aware that it is not going to happen for me any time soon if at all. Good to know.

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