Sunday, February 12, 2006


Getting Off Of My Duff...Again!

My favorite part about the reading on Friday was getting to meet people who have been fans of "Mitakuye Oyasin" and/or "Native Nations" shows for so long. I Love meeting those people who have listened for so long. I get a chance to learn a little about them or even become friends with them. I get a chance to interract with the people. I get a chance to encourage them. We get a chance to hang out with each other, if even for a brief moment. The people. The people are suddenly becoming an inspiration to me. My mind is being inspired into new forms of thoughts.

In many ways, I'd much rather be a lazy ass. I don't want to do much more than I already am. I feel that spirit is thrusting me in another direction, however. Much of the major things in my life have been thrust upon me. I don't want to be this, but I am having it thrust upon me and so I either do it or get spiritually kicked in the ass until I do it. Might as well start now and see it out. I've done the kicks in the ass. It isn't so fun because I wind up doing what I'm supposed to, but starting it out with a sore ass.

Romance? I realized I aint ready for romance. So I'll put that somewhere else in my psyche for now.

I am get an idea of something to do when in front of an audience. Interconnection with the people, if only for a moment. It should really be fun...or at least interesting. The tough part will be not wanting to script this. Eh...I'll sit on this for a few and see what happens.

I have to talk with Leas and find out what we do from here. I have been asked by one person to do this again because she really wanted to be there but had to be at the meeting and then it was so exhausting. I think it will be emotionally draining...BUT WHAT THE FUCK! I guess I should give it another chance before I start doing regular readings wherever the fuck if it comes to that. Shit! I have no idea, but what the fuck? Might as well. Where the fuck else am I gonna go? I am supposed to do what I can, and if I don't, I get kicked in the ass, especially when I stick my ass out there to get kicked.

So much of my life has been thrust upon me. I've been reluctant to do any of it, but finally wind up doing it because I'm supposed to. I never know what is going to come of any of it, really, but what the fuck else am I gonna do? I have another 40+ years to go, so I'm told, and times a wasting. I gotta go dance with the people and see what works and what doesn't and see what happens. One more thing. Eh...What the hell?

I'm starting to get hungry. I'm gonna go find some lunch, do some walking and thinking. I think I have my notebook.

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