Thursday, February 02, 2006


Drunk and Beligerent...or Just Drunk.

I've been getting depressed lately.

I've been attempting to start an Native American Communications Collective to no avail. I'm not getting any responses, not even FUCK YOU's! It's a void. However, talking with my friend who came up with the idea, she told me an astrologer friend of hers said there is a lot of shit happening in the stars and to keep on trying, as frustrating as it gets.

I've also decided to ask a woman out. However, I won't be seeing her again until Monday, which gives me plenty of time to try to talk myself out of it and to treat myself like shit, just like my ex-wives did.

Alito is confirmed. Bush is a piece of shit.

I'm out of pot.

Tuesday night, I slipped and broke my ass and bruised my hand on the walk home from the bus. It was the first time I actually cried when I got physically hurt in probably 30 years.

Yesterday, I found out 15 minutes before I left work that I wouldn't be doing my radio show because the other driver wasn't going to be at work today.

Then I got home on Wednesday to be greeted by my roommate, the one I can't stand, who immediately starts talking shit about my friend and housemate, Heidi. Heidi is a goddess and everytime Judy and I are alone she starts talking shit about my friend. Then she complains about the conditions of living in the house. Why she doesn't fucking move, I just don't know. So coming home into my space which I share with her and two other humans, and having to hear shit about my friend and the house and the animals, just sent me over the edge.

I had purchased a bottle of Myers Rum and a bottle of Arrogant Bastard Beer (you are not worthy). I smoked three bowls of leaf, drank at least a quarter of the fifth of rum, drank all of the Arrogant Bastard, ate a bunch of food (as depressed as I was, I was hoping to puke), and finished watching the rest of "The Fog of War." I was hoping to be drunk and belligerent and to puke all over my room. Insead...I turned out all the lights, turned off the TV, lit a candle, and prayed for about an hour or so.

I woke up late, and hung over, and barely made it to work on time. Though hung over, I definitely feel better than I did emotionally last night.

Gotta go!

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