Thursday, January 05, 2006


Rape Culture

We all know that at anytime, it is possible that the U.S. government or their branches thereof, can send people into our house and violate us. It is a commonly accepted fact, that should the government choose to, they could take away everything from us. We all know this. It is a commonly accepted fact. However, we also know that the likelyhood of that actually happening is very minimal...for now. We all live in some level of fear, or this knowledge one way or another effects our behavior throughout our days. ...that is not freedom... Take that out of the equation. Take that feeling you have that your behaviors and actions could be dealt with by extreme force by the government you pay homage to. Take away however that makes you feel. Pretend it doesn't exist anymore, even for a moment. How does that make you feel? What do you want to do? I believe that it human nature to be kind to one another. I believe that the rape culture we currently have in place is MAN made. What is a culture like without the fear of rape in it's many forms? ...I want that. I know it can be achieved. I want to see what could happen in a world without penis driven patriarchy rape culture.

We will send our children off to murder or be murdered for the penis driven patriarchy known as democracy. People tell me how great democracy is. This is what democracy has done: it has and does commit genocide worldwide. It is founded on the genocide of Indians. It is founded on the enslavement of blacks. It is founded on the oppression of the Irish and Chinese. It is founded on the rape and eslavement of women. Look what democracy did for us, and many many more. We have to rethink everything, because, to be honest, democracy is only great if you are a wealthy white male, usually from certain families. That is how democracy behaves. Democracy sucks. We can make something better. I believe in you all. I know you can. We are all made of the same stuff as Malcolm X, Mother Jones, Winona Laduke, Orion Gray, Leigh Anne Kranz, Julie Sabatier, Martin Luther King, Jr., Crazy Horse, John Trudell, and many many more. It is within us. Find it. Look for it. Dust it off. Put it to some good use. We can win this Revolution. I know we can do it without bloodshed. They have bigger and better weapons and more of a willingness to kill. Defend yourself when necessary. But more than that, find that Crazy Horse or other hero within you because we are all made of the same stuff. Look for it. Dust it off. Put it to some good use. As Helen Caldicott might say; we were all born to save the world.

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