Friday, December 09, 2005

These are some articles from

"Grammy announces nominees for Best Native album"

I noticed that the albums in this article are the tame albums. The ones that don't deal with the conditions of Indians in the world today. But then again, I bet you none of the albums nominated for grammies, Indian or not, deal with the situations of the masses in this nation. Tame. Tame.

"U.S. forced Aleuts into internment camps"

I ran into Anthony Stoppiello, a long time KBOO person, and told him about this fascinating article about the Aleut being interned in Alaska during WWII. 881 of them. What the hell was that about? But then, Anthony, a second generation Italian, told me that there were internment camps for Italians as well. WHAT THE FUCK? And why Aleuts? The article did not explain as to why the Aleut were interned. But there is a documentary, and I plan on trying to find it around town or getting it myself.

"Non-Indian challenges reservation hunting law"

This article is interesting especially in lieu of the fact that the man who has filed the lawsuit is doing so on constitutional grounds. Let me just say this..."treaties are the supreme law of the land." This, of course, would start a slippery slope should this piece of shit win. You see, there is already an encroachment on indgenous sovereignty in forcing the Indians in Kansas to pay taxes on their reservation gas pumps and Indians in New York in forcing them to pay taxes on cigarettes and gas (Gov. "Piece of Shit" Ptaki at one time even talked of sending in the National Guard complete with tanks in helping with this "persistent Indian Problem"). These invasions of Indian sovereignty are against international law, but since when has the U.S. recognized international law, right? Especially in the case of Indians. Shit, the U.S. doesn't even recognize their own fucking laws in concerns with Indians.

Check it out! Good website.

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