Sunday, December 18, 2005



At my friend, Cynthia's, yesterday, as I was about to leave, she asked me to date the cover I gave her to my upcoming book. When I wrote the date 12-17-05, I remembered that it is the 115th anniversary of the beginning of Chief Big Foot's ride with his band of Lakota to Wounded Knee, where they would be slaughtered by the 7th Cavalry.

"Wow," she said. "Another reason to hate this month." I had told her how I feel about this time of year and why.

"It is also a good reason to celebrate. I don't want to have that negative connotation with this month anymore. I want it to be a great celebration. This has been a great celebration for me."

Don't forget to celebrate in whatever forms you can! Send all that good energy out into the world! LET'S START A REVOLUTION!

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