Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Of Women and Men

More often than I care to recall, I hear women referred to as holes owned by men. Men don't come out and put it that way. They say things about female strangers like: "You can have that one and I'll take the other one." Like the man telling me this believes he owns those womens bodies and therefore we can do whatever we want with them. Mind you, this is done in a figurative sense. However, I do not see women like that.

Mind you...I'm no innocent man. I love to look at women. All women. But, unlike most men, I see women as my fellow human beings, not holes for me to possess. I feel desires. It is only natural to feel desire for a person. Want their attention and wanting them to accept your attention. But women are my fellow human beings. They have their stories. Each one is individual, but all seem to have many similar stories, especially in how they are treated by a specific group of their fellow human beings, men. And still, all the feminists I know personally still love men. Me, a man, don't care to much for my fellow men.

In my opinion, women are the key to saving the world. Men, afterall, enjoy killing each other, women, and elderly, for wealthy men to keep their wealth. Men have polluted the oceans with millions of tons of toxic chemicals. Men sat at the table at the Wannsee conference. Men commit genocide all of the time. All of this comes from a simple fact. Men treat many other men and always women like they are not their fellow humans. Black men were considered to be 3/5ths of a man. Black women, however, are not human at all, just like all women.

Women were slaughtered by the millions by men in Europe, specifically, those who refused to conform to the Christian role of women...under a man and discarded until then. It is commonly referred to as the burning times.

Indian women had their genitals cut off by men and used as decorations for hat bands and saddle horns. Kit Carson's men enjoyed cutting off the breasts of dead Indian women and playing catch with them. They would laugh because they were so jiggly and slick with blood that they were hard to keep a grip on.

I could go on and on for days with the LITTLE information I know about the oppression and various genocides enacted against women historically to the present. But it is always the same no matter where I look. Men see themselves as better than women, and more often than not, more human than women, and in many cases, women are not seen as human at all.

Women, afterall, and generally speaking, as I know there are many women who do their best to behave like men in order to be seen as equal to men, are not filled with such a desire to kill everyone and everything in order to prove they are the master of it all.

Men are afraid of women getting equality, but more honestly, men are afraid of being treated like they treat women. Men don't look at that, however. Men don't look at the fact that they don't want to be treated like they treat women because more often than not, men treat women like shit because they don't see them as their fellow human beings. Men don't want to be treated like that, but they are willing to treat their sisters, mothers, nieces, daughters, etc., like that. They don't examine their behavior because men believe themselves to be the master of it all. And being the master, men have raped, murdered, genocided, polluted, destoryed, etc., to prove their greatness because they don't see greatness in cooperation, but in DOMINATION.

Men...treat your fellow human beings, ESPECIALLY WOMEN, like your fellow human beings. You are not better because you DOMINATE others. You are ASSHOLES because you dominate others. People fear you, and fear is not respect. Fear is OPPRESSION! No one should live in fear of their fellow human beings.

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