Saturday, November 05, 2005



You've heard the names Auschwitz, Dacchau, Buchenwald, etc. But one of the worst death camps to have existed was one known as Jasenovac, in southern Croatia.

It is here, where Peter Brizica (previously posted in this blog) became "King of the Cut Throats" during a contest held to clear Serbian prisoners from the camp to make room for more prisoners due to be shipped there the next day. He murdered 1360 people that evening.

Many attrocities and cruelties were dealt to Serbs, Jews, Sinti, Roma, and many others by the Ustashe. Janesovac was the only death camp that had a specific designation for children, as well (the photos are horrific). Jasenovac was actually five different death camps within a short distance of each other (approx. 150 square miles). It is believed that the camp was responsible for 300,000 to 700,000 murders.

You may be wondering why Jasenovac is not a name as common as those of Auschwitz, Dacchau, Buchenwald, etc. It is probably because of the more direct involvement of the Catholic Church through the Vatican. This was the only Catholic ran death camp during the Nazi era.

The Vatican had direct involvement, as well, in bringing the fascists to power. Mussolini signed a pact with the close to bankrupt at the time Vatican, thus getting Catholic support and the Vatican getting a flood of money.

If you visit, you will find a photo of the signing of the treaty between Hitler's Nazi's and the Vatican. Here is the caption to that photo:

"Secretary of State, Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli, the future Pope Pius XII (center) signs the Vatican's Concordat with Nazi Germany's foreign minister Franz von Papen (seated left from Pacelli) at the Vatican, 20 July 1933."

The signing of this treaty brought the unquestioning support of the Vatican to the Nazi's, as well as flooded the Vatican's bank accounts even further with money.

It is alleged that the Vatican, due to it's more or less direct involvement with the death camp known as Jasenovac, has been key in keeping the name out of the forefront along with the other famous Nazi death camps. It is also said in testimony and photographs, that the Catholic ran death camp at Jasenovac even offended the most cold hearted of the Nazi's. Good job Mr. Pope person.

The following is the mission statement of the website about Jasenovac. Some of the photos will absolutely sicken you, like the one of the future pope signing a treaty with the Nazi Party of Germany, as well as photo evidence of the gruesome slaughters that took place. Lest we forget... As is often stated, "those who forget their past are doomed to repeat it..."

My question is, what does it mean that the world has forgotten about Jasenovac? I, for one, will not forget, and will live my life to bring an end to such horrific crimes. And yes, such horrific crimes do continue in this world (Darfur for instance).

"THE JASENOVAC RESEARCH INSTITUTE est. 1998 History & Statement of Purpose The Jasenovac Research Institute was founded on the belief that the failure to learn the lessons of the genocide committed against Serbs, Jews and Gypsies during the Second World War rests at the very core of recent events in the Balkans. Jasenovac, which represents the greatest crimes of genocide ever committed in the Balkans, has been largely overlooked by Western scholars, while its legacy has been distorted and its victims have been either ignored or victimized yet again by Holocaust revisionists. Central to the lessens of Jasenovac is the slogan "Never again!" However, the failure to observe this warning and to recognize the great crimes committed at Jasenovac has reaped not only the expected consequences of a revival of fascism in the Balkans, but with it, a deadly, racist demonization of the Serbian people. For these reasons, this foundation and all individuals and work connected to it are dedicated both to preserving the memory of Jasenovac and to the search for justice for its victims."

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