Thursday, November 17, 2005


The High Cost of Raping Your Children

The Archodiocese of Portland is offering 121 victims of childhood sex abuse $40 million dollars:

"The archdiocese, which is still besieged by 121 pending sex-abuse claims seeking hundreds of millions of dollars, said Wednesday that it believes $40 million, in Archbishop John G. Vlazny's words, is "fair and just compensation for victims who have been sexually abused.""
----The Oregonian, November 17, 2005

So, felon John Vlazny states that they'll pay $40 million dollars to rape 121 of your children. That way the felonies he and his priests have committed will go UNPROSECUTED.

So, the high cost of childhood rape on the victims of Vlazny and others can come with a simple payout that will amount to about $200,000 per victim after the lawyers get their cut and the rapists and those compicit in child rape (all felonies) will never be prosecuted nor have to see a day behind bars. Read "The Courage to Heal," and attempt to understand what the victims of childhood rape have to live with the rest of their lives. Many wind up committing suicide or are deeply welled in drug and alcohol abuse. For a lifetime of hell, criminals in the archdiocese will give you approximately $200,000 so they can get away with their crimes.

How much money would you accept to be legally raped by a catholic priest. We can see how much the Portland archdiocese will offer to escape prosecution for FELONY child rape and COMPLICITY? Or, would you rather have justice?

Liberty and no justice for child RAPIST priests. That should be America's motto. And Fuck! The American Churches got to get away with raping THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of Indian children for FREE and never have to face prosecution. White people will get a cut of the rape money, darkies will get nothing. Just a few things to think about when your children are being raped by christians in their churches.

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