Friday, November 25, 2005


Haven't written here in a while

I am starting to peter out on my enthusiasm of blogging. But that's OK. There is a very good reason for that.

I think I'm falling in Love. I'm taking my time. I'm in no rush. I want to make sure it's a good thing. These things take time. She seems interested in me, too. Like Gypsy Rose Lee said, "Anything worth doing is worth doing slowly." Gotta Love her!

For the last couple of weeks me met at social events. I try not to be obvious about my enthusiasm, then, at the same time, I want to be. It feels so good, and is so fun! Even if nothing happens, I have never felt as GREAT as I have in the last couple of weeks. It's true! I know for sure what I'm supposed to feel now!

I know I'm not getting any hits on this thing, and that's OK. I write here mostly for myself anyway. And I Love bouncing around the idea of Love instead of thinking of not trying anymore.

So, there are two reasons I haven't been writing to you. One is because I'm falling in Love and I don't know what is going to happen nor how she feels for me, though I know she isn't running away screaming, and actually seems interested in me. And, I'm not getting any hits here anyway. I still get the word out. I still try to inform people as much as I possibly can. This little blog has been somewhat of a dead end for me, yet, not completely. I feel I've learned a lot from every dead end I've ever hit. I've learned a lot from this one, too.

One thing I've realized since my experience with the "Captive White Woman" a post made many months ago, I have a limited time on this earth. What am I gonna do with it? I Love the people! I want life to be good for all of the people. I want everyone's human rights honored. There is enough natural suffering which makes me wonder why we have to have war other than to create wealth for people who already have way too much wealth as it is. I have a over 40 years left. That's really not that much time. I'm gonna do what I can. Carry out my version of stealing horses.

So, there you go, folks. Life is good! Life is very very good! Like Emma Goldman said, if I can't dance at your Revolution, I aint gonna come. If I can't dance at my own Revolution...

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