Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Tom "We Want a Cut" McCain


In an article from the Seattle Times:

"U.S. Sen. John McCain said Monday that gambling regulations for American Indian casinos need to be reviewed because an industry that has grown to nearly $20 billion in annual revenue on mostly cash transactions is vulnerable to corruption."

{In other words, John is saying the U.S. isn't getting a cut of our stuff. The U.S. government was unsucessful in keeping their boot on the throat of Indian economies and keeping the genocide against Indians strong and persistent. How can they remain our genocidal masters if we gain control over our economies. Corruption? Absolutely! Let's talk about corruption. No bid contracts for Halliburton, Bechtel, Blackwater, etc. Oh...wait...that's whitey corruption. Whitey corruption is OK and whitey wrote laws making sure everyone at the top is immune from prosecution. Whitey is good! Red Niggers who may be able to buy some of the shit stolen from them is BAD! Fucken red niggers!}

[Gordon] Smith, a Republican whose son committed suicide as a college freshman in 2003, said he introduced a bill to help prevent teen suicide, after the senators noted the rate among American Indian teenagers is nearly three times the national average.

{The bill probably awards a contract to Blackwater to kill the Red Niggers before they kill themselves. It's much more fun that way. For the little Red Niggers who are successful, Halliburton will rebuild the closets the Indians hang themselves in. SINCE WHEN DOES THE U.S. GOVERNMENT DO ANYTHING TO HELP US FUCKERS AT THE BOTTOM, ESPECIALLY US RED NIGGERS!}

Many of the tribal leaders called on the senators to expand public education about tribal government and the history of what Klamath Tribes Chairman Allen Foreman called an "underprivileged people" who have suffered centuries of abuse.

McCain said he was sympathetic but urged the leaders to look forward.

"I can't go back and change history," McCain said. "I'd like to go back and right all those wrongs. But all I can do is try to right the wrongs that are before us now."

{Let's not seek justice against many of John's good Christian buddies. Truth is, it's an act of genocide, and the genocidal criminals, like McCain, must be protected from those who would seek justice. Let's not forget this wonderful fact, many federal inspectors were given favors for passing grades in the criminal boarding schools. Some of those favors included being given Indian children to rape at their pleasure. Many of these rapists hold positions in the U.S. Government, and to bring them to justice just might set a precedent in getting genocidal crimials, like McCain, impisoned and possibly hanged...that is...if there were REAL justice in this nation.}

Wyden said the meeting at the Native American Student and Community Center at Portland State was part of a bipartisan effort to resolve some of the perennial issues facing the tribes.

"The chairman of the Indian Affairs Committee has taken notes and listened," Wyden said, "and he has got the gavel in his hands."

{Now that they made their opiate speeches to the Indians, they look good for the Indian vote, and standing against Indian casinos...because hating Indians is still in good political form...they can get the vote for those who also wish to continue the destruction of Indian communities by keeping their boots on the neck of Indian economies. The U.S. government and its criminal representatives, McCain, Smith, and Wyden, will look good, and get votes. Then back in DC, they will still do their part to continue the genocide against Indians in this country. But at least they're Demicans...or is that Republicrats? Nothing will change and the issues that stress Indian communities will continue to get worse. But that's OK! No one really gives a fuck about us Red Niggers anyway. All of us REAL Red Niggers are gone. All that's left is the residue. Don't we really understand the U.S. Government policy that "The Only good Indian is a Dead Indian?"

{Basically, all these fuckers in the government have done is attempt to opiate the Indian masses, let us know the issue of genocide and illegal occupation of our land by the U.S. government will never be resolved because they have no REAL belief in justice. Just like a good rapist would tell their victim, "Don't look to the past. Look to the future. Don't try to get justice against my criminal behavior. All it will do is upset you. What I did to you is OK. Move forward. Don't seek justice.


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