Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Slaughter In Iraq

As I thumbed through The Holocaust Chronicle on Saturday, I came across information on Jewish retaliation. How some Jews would kill or try to harm a Nazi. If the Jewish attackers survived, they were hanged along with some twenty or thirty others who were innocent and not involved in the attacks. It's called RETALIATION.

I heard the news on Sunday that 5 american soldiers were killed by a bomb in Iraq. I read the news on Monday that the U.S. bombed the life out of a few villages in RETALIATION. The U.S. alleges they were insurgents, but there is proof that many, most likely all, were civillians. How dare those Iraqi's consider defending themselves from their genocidal oppressors. For every attack against Americans, the punishment to the civlilians will increase. It's called RETALIATION. Like what the Nazi's did to the Jews who fought back. Like the villages Hitler ordered razed (killing hundreds of civilians) when Rheinhardt Heydrich (designer of the "final solution") was assasinated. Just like the bombings of Dresden. Just like the fire bombings of Tokyo. And so many other examples. RETALIATION.

I want it all to stop.

A man I know, a former army ranger, and an Indian, used to have a large mural in his back window. It was an army ranger with the face of death and an army ranger hat. It said, "mess with the best, die like the rest." Not let's create something beautiful together. Not let's see if we can think of a way to neutralize nuclear waste. Not let's end war. Fuck with America and the military will RETALIATE with such brutal and horrific force as to create many more insurgents in hopes of getting it to stop.

I want it all to stop.

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