Friday, October 14, 2005


Recognize this?

The Eastern Pequot and the Schaghticoke nations in Connecticut have had their federal recognition overturned. They were notified by fax because there is no one brave enough in the BIA to face these people and this decision.

The decision turns out to be politically related in the fact that the public doesn't want more casinos. The public, unless Indian, illegally occupies Indian land. Indians wouldn't need casinos were it not for the fact that the U.S. government will not get their boot off the throat of Indian economies, an act of genocide (imposing conditions to bring about the destruction of a people in whole or in part).

It was good politcally to be an Indian hater, or better yet, and Indian killer back in the 1800's. It is still good politics, except the killing is a little less direct nowadays. But everyone seems to love politicians that are willing to make sure Indians are thoroughly oppressed.'s good American politics.

I also disagree with federal recognition because it is the ENEMY telling US what race we are or aren't. This, is a crime. The Nazi's identified what is and isn't Jewish. The destroyers of the Indian races, Americans, decide what is and isn't Indian. Indians, don't get a choice. We are seen as too inferior to decide what people we belong to.


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