Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Medical Experiments

As I thumbed through The Holocaust Chronicle, there have been numerous references of the medical experiments done to the concentration camp victims. One picture showed a woman, one of 24 women, who had one of their calf muscles removed. There were injections done on people of various diseases and other wonderful things. This was done here in America as well.

There is the famous Tuskogee Experiment. It was systematic in Indian Boarding Schools that medical experiments were done on Indian children. My Blackfoot parents had medical experiments performed on them by pharmaceutical companies. The latest medical experiment, or at least the last attempted one against Indian children that I have heard of, was about 2000 when a pharmaceutical company wanted to test their hepatitus b vaccine on a bunch of Indian children. I believe it was shot down, but wouldn't you know it, these type of criminal activities still exist.

My Blackfoot parents have bot suffered from medical experiments at the hands of their good Christian overseers. They had all sorts of wonderful experiments done to them. They even had an odd TB test done to them which involved scarring their backs. After escaping permanently their internment in these prison camps for Indian kids, they went to various doctors and asked about the markings made on their backs by their good Christian overseers. The doctors could only tell them one thing, it wasn't a TB test. They had no idea what it was however.

They finally stumbled upon one doctor who had seen numerous cases of this alleged TB test. He knew what it was. There is a Christian superstition that if a person is marked a certain way on their back, that they are then damned to hell. It turns out that the markings on my Blackfoot parents back are those type of markings. Good Christians have damned them straight to hell for being Indian. So, when I die, I'll be in good company, as some Christians tell me I'm going straight to hell. I'll be there with my Grandma, my birth father, my Blackfoot parents, my brother Jim, and many many other Indians. Thank GOD we've been damned to hell and don't have to spend eternity with genocidal maniacs such as those praying eternally to their genocidal and egomaniacal god.

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