Monday, August 08, 2005



I drive truck for a 501C3. When I started there over a year ago, the truck had a large tag on the passenger side. When we finally had the time to remove the tag, within a week, it was tagged again, and we still have yet to remove that one. It's almost a "what's the point" scenario.

A week ago today, I found truck parts left on the driverside mirror. I wasn't exactly sure what they were until I noticed a louder than usual normal truck sound off the passenger side. Upon closer inspection I discovered the air filter housing had been gutted and I assume that the part that was left on the mirror was part of that.

We took the truck in on Friday afternoon to a company off of MLK and Columbia. They fixed the truck over the weekend and we picked it up this morning, only to find out that the stereo had been stolen and the jockey boxes ran through.

In my opinion, the reason why we get targeted for vandals is because we are an easy target. It doesn't matter that we are a service for the poor. We can't afford security guards with guns and clubs to prevent this, unlike major corporations. Thus we are an easy target. It doesn't matter that we help the people. It is just too much for me to think about.

It reminds me of how we on the left are prone to going after each other instead of getting at the roots of our common enemy. There is poetry all over the place, even in valdalism. frustrates the fuck out of me.

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