Wednesday, August 17, 2005



I think about Revolution a lot.

I look at the people around me and I wonder how can I get to them. I can't force them into seeing what's going on. I can't force them to ask questions. I can't force them to think critically. Yet, they are so easily manipulated into allowing others to think for them. Their reality is heavily invested in it.

Lately, I feel like I'm waiting. Maybe I'll find an opening. Maybe the big beasty will eat itself to death. Maybe none of the above. Maybe a combination of many things.

We need to take it all back. People are suffering senselessly all over the world so the wealthy can maintain their playgrounds, status, authority, etc.

I don't believe in playing within the system. The system was designed to slaughter and oppress large amounts of people to create wealth for the few. I want something completely different. This system is fucked up. We need to rethink everything. It all needs to change.

I don't know, we'll see what happens.

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