Tuesday, August 09, 2005



The NCAA made the decision to ban the use of racist mascots in post season tournaments. (see the article at: http://usatoday.com/sports/college/2005-08-05-indian-mascots-ruling_x.htm?POE=click-refer).

In my opinion, mascots are a dehumanizing tool of propaganda. It is much easier to push aside and commit genocide against a people if they are dehumanized. In military training your enemy becomes a bug or some lesser life form meant for you to destroy. Indians are seen as a lesser life form for the larger society to destroy.

One of my favorite arguments is "we are honoring you." No, you are not. If you really wanted to honor Indians you would ask us how. Instead, you just assume and then it keeps from getting down to the dirty issues of genocide, such as: rape, boarding schools, land theft, cultural destruction, small pox blankets, feeding children to dogs, toxic waste, etc. Mascots are simply a tool of genocide. Indians are a people to be continually humiliated because we didn't win the war and now our lands are occupied by a foreign power that reminds us every minute of everyday that there is nothing we can do to stop these genocidal maniacs. Yet, we Indians are supposed to consider it honoring to name your sports teams after us. Hmmm! Yeah! Makes sense...not!

I like the idea of a team called "The Fight Whities." There could be a motto like, "No one kills like a cracker," or "hey Indian, want a nice warm blanket?" or "Kill them all, little and big, nits make lice," or "The only good (team name) is a dead (team name)." Cheer: "Sterilize them, Sterilize them, ra ra ra!"

But, that would be different. That would be racist.

But this shit is something I'm used to. I have to let it run off my shoulders. It is a survival technique for me. I put up with this shit everyday of my life. But that's OK. I deserve it. Afterall, I'm just a Redskin Nigger. It's not like I'm really a human being. I'm a Winnebago or Itasca RV, A Jeep Cherokee Chief, an Umpqua Dairy Product, a Lousy Red Nigger Piece of Shit Not Worthy of Life.

I'm gonna get it all back, America. And you'll all have to put up with respecting and honoring each other instead of trying to exercise dominance over others. I'm gonna get it all back. ALL OF IT!

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