Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Defining Indian

Indians, meaning the original nations that were in the Western hemisphere before the mass slaughter, are usually defined by our masters in DC.

There is a document from 1926 that states, and I paraphrase; stick to the 1/4 blood quantum as a definition of Indians, encourage intermarriage, and soon we will define Indians out of existence and thus solve our "persistent Indian problem." solution...

This definition comes from the government that has and continues to commit genocide against Indians and currently ILLEGALLY occupies our lands and steals our wealth. It is how the Nazi's defined Jews.

There are many different types of Indians. There are Cherokee's who have little blood but a memory of who they are. There are city Indians. There are reservation Indians. There are Indians with many different types of blood. There are Indians with no Indian blood. There are adoptees forcibly removed from their families who only know they are Indian and feel a sense of loss. There are boarding school survivors. There are powwow Indians. There are political Indians. There are Indians who tell other Indians they aren't Indian or are not Indian enough or are not the type of Indian that constitutes their definition of Indian (defining ourselves out of existence).

I am registered Siletz. One registers dogs, cats, other pets, sex offenders, etc. In order to be recognized as an Indian, one has to be registered with the same government that is attempting to wipe us off the face of the earth so they can tell the world that everything they have stolen from us is now truly officially theirs.

Do you have to register as a white person? What blood quantum are your ancestral roots? What about African people? What about the descendants of slaves? How much Irish are you? How much blood?

Blood doesn't mean shit! It's what you do with your life that has meaning.

Being Indian is for Indians to decide. We used to adopt non-Indians. When you are adopted Indian, you are an Indian, period. No one defines you by blood quantum.

I'm registered as 1/4 Siletz. I'm actually 1/2 (using white man's math). My grandfather is not recognized by my tribe because he was not registered. I don't have any Siletz blood. I have Alsea, Klickitat, Lower Umpqua, finnish, english, dutch, scots-irish. I've also been adopted Blackfoot by Yellow Dust Woman and Sikupii.

Always, I am defined by others what race I am. I am dark skinned, long black haired, fuzzy faced. Most people have a preconceived notion of what it means to be Indian and if I don't fit in those preconceptions, to those people I am not Indian. Or, I may be Indian, but I'm not the right kind of Indian.

Most people will tell me who I am...and NEVER ask. Most will define me before they say a word to me. My closest friends know me better than any, and they define me as their friend. They are constantly finding out who I am, as I am constantly finding out who they are.

People define me by my race because this IS a racist society. People define me by blood-quantum because this IS a racist society.

So, here is a question. America has a wonderful tracking system for it's human beings called Social Security (designed by IBM who also designed the Hollerith machines used to help round up the Jews, Sinti, Romani, etc., during the Nazi regime of Germany), and the official Indian registration via the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Using it's vast propaganda machine, the U.S. government could start a campaign of hatred against Indians (also a great political career making tool as Peter Sorrenson's (D) governor campaign using the possible abolition of Indian casinos in Oregon as a tool to help further his political career). The U.S. does an Operation Northwoods on us Indians and suddenly, based on lies as usual, we are perceived as an enemy. Round ups occur and with the easy location systems of the BIA and Social Security, Indians are rounded up for the gas chambers. What would you do? What would you do if they came for me, my daughter, my family, my friends? What would you do? They'll have FORCE to back this up. They will use their force on you if you get in the way of their round-ups. What would you do?

First, they came for the Jews. I did nothing because I wasn't a Jew...

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